About us
South London Counselling & Support Services (SLCSS)
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

Committed to helping our clients succeed
The organisation was formed with the initial aim being to help and encourage Black Ethnic Minority groups and other young people from poor backgrounds who feel marginalized and do not feel comfortable discussing their issues and hence are suffering in silence. Research shows that these people are often confused about the way of life of the Western system due to their own cultural background, religion, faith and education. Some of these people feel abandoned, lonely, isolated and left out; they may become resistant to a new way of life and be destructive or act negatively. Moreover, many Black and other ethnic minority people are not well informed of the advantages of counselling and psychotherapy because it is alien to their culture. Furthermore they are yet to embrace the “Talking Cure” remedy, which could positively affect their health and wellbeing. According to research, many people are of the opinion that their story will be “all over the place” and are afraid of talking about their issue or presenting material